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01.17.2016 - The One Thing

Sorry for not writing anything of substance lately, it gets a little tough on the weekends when I’m trying to squeeze every last bit of fun out of the days as I can. 

I spent a majority of my weekend with this girl that is in my group of friends from high school that I never really got to know. (Did you get that? It was quite the mouthful.) Turns out, we have a ton in common and are both very interested in politics and just worldly issues in general. Over the last couple days, I learned more about her views on everything and where she is trying to go…

But a lot of it was about where we are romantically and the thing that our partner needs to have or else its a deal breaker.

The. One. Thing.

This girl said that she needed somebody who could calm her down whenever she was upset - someone that would understand what to say when and pick up on emotional cues. My friend D said that any girl he dates had to be someone who was intelligent. And he didn’t mean just book-smart either. Intelligent in the sense that they are aware of the world and understanding of everything around her. Intelligent in the sense that she would have wit and be able to keep up in a conversation. 

Light bulb: how someone handles themselves in a conversation is pretty telling of their intelligence. You would have to be smart to have banter and good chat; to pick up sarcasm and allusions. 

I think my one thing is similar. My significant other would have to be able to carry a conversation about a variety of topics with me as well. Someone who understood most of what I was talking about and be able to debate and challenge me and my thoughts. Someone who was equal.

But that wasn’t what I said was the one thing for me. There’s something I need more than that - growth. I believe that if people have the desire to grow and change, regardless of situation or age, they will be able to. Not all people are open to the idea of change. Some believe that past a certain age, change is impossible. Some are content with simplicity and comfort. 

All of that is okay.

But for me, I want to be someone who is always growing and changing, and inspiring others to do the same. I would hope that my partner would be able to challenge and push me in the same way that I would support and inspire them. I want someone that is equal, who can grow with me, change me, and motivate me to always do better. To always be better.  

Of course, I hope that this wonderful person would be able to improve themselves because of me as well. Relationships are two way streets. It’s not always just about what you want and what you can get, but what you can give and where you can meet halfway.

May all you single people out there, find the person you’ve been waiting for - someone who has ‘the one thing’.