02.25.2015 - Respect for Bloggers Everywhere

I have a lot more respect for bloggers who have become famous and do it for a living. 

It’s literally god damn difficult to actually sit down and write about something everyday. And to keep doing it whilst staying interesting enough to amass a following…ridiculous. I use the computer every day, but despite that I haven’t written anything in months. Maybe it’s that my life isn’t that interesting, or that I don’t find it that interesting. 

But isn’t it kind of like a cycle? You blog about the interesting things in your life and as you get more and more famous, your life gets more interesting so in turn, you end up blogging more about it.

Maybe I’m just more suited as a reader.

Embarrassing note of the day: I actually paid $250 to go see 1Direction Live in Saitama in two weeks - and I’m not even a fan. (This is how boring the rural life can get)

Currently reading: The Ender Quintet, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and How Dogs Love Us

Kindle Unlimited is the best thing since sliced bread.