11.25.2015 - Inspiration, not motivation

I had dinner with my friend the other day after our first Toastmasters meeting and he said a couple of things that really struck me. 

The first was that if you had the ability to change the world, you should reach for the highest stage you can and do it there. If you are capable, it is your moral responsibility to the world to do it. To do the best that you can at the biggest stage you can do it on. 

And the second…

Inspiring and motivating are two different things. Motivation makes it seem like you need an external force to make you do something you wouldn’t otherwise do. Inspiration, however, creates that force - that fire - inside of you so that you may make that decision yourself, day after day. You shouldn’t be motivated to go to the gym and be healthy. You should be inspired. Inspiration changes lifestyles, I’m not sure motivation can do that over the long-term. 

Consequently, I am ‘inspiring’ and drawing inspiration from every day to try and write more frequently. I want to get into the habit of blogging and writing every day. You wouldn’t think so, but writing for anyone really helps with personal development and provides clarity on things you wouldn’t otherwise have noticed.