12.12.2015 - Fear of Missing Out

I had a very chill Saturday, but it was necessary and nice.

Spent most of today recovering from the holiday party last night and it was pretty glorious. We got brunch at a local restaurant and took a cat nap afterwards. I finally had time to do work and even got around to applying to this UN position I had been keeping on my to-do list for a while.

I’m the kind of person that hates missing events and wants to be everywhere all the time, so I pack my schedule and go to everything. Sometimes, that means my day will start at 6am and end at 11pm. I don’t sleep much on weekends and go hard Thursday’s, Friday’s, and Saturday’s some weeks.

I have FOMO, hardcore.

But today made me realize that relaxed days are also very necessary. Time to catch up with friends, sleep, get work done, and just simply connecting back with yourself without substances is cathartic in itself. I need to remind myself to have more of these days in my schedule. Personal development isn’t always about constant aggressive action - sometimes taking a step back is the best course to take.

I also have to remember that quality trumps quantity, so I want to spend more time with people I have met in my life that matter and worry less about keeping up with all my friends. I only need a few that really care about me that I also really care about. I don’t need to attend all these events for acquaintances or “friends” that wouldn’t know if I even attended or not.

And I have to remember that where my actual friends come from, what they look like, and what it says about me doesn’t matter. None of that stuff matters to my happiness. It should just be all love, and love only. There isn’t a place for judgement or reputation.

But that’s something else I need to work on and a story for another time.