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12.14.2014 - Those Who Are There When You Need Them

It’s hard for me sometimes to remember not to keep score.

Thing is, I usually don’t get bothered too easily and I know I don’t need much attention. I don’t ask for much and I know a lot of friends who don’t ask for anything. But I think that’s why it’s so important to pay attention when someone who never asks for anything - asks for your time. Because it’s them saying that they need you so badly with something they couldn’t handle themselves. That they needed help so much, they finally asked for it despite not knowing how to ask for help in the first place. And if this person, who usually deals with everything on their own, is asking for you to drop everything… I think the only answer is to do it.

My problem is, I drop everything all the time. For big problems, for little problems, for all the problems to fill the gaps in between. I tire myself out and I never know which situations are more important than others. So I try and fix them all. I want to try my best. So I do it. I pay attention.

The person who took my hand last time wasn’t who I thought it would be. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that disappointed me to no end. I was grateful to him, but disappointed in you. 

(Thank you.)