cove mate.
So it’s kind of awkward when you hear people you don’t know having sex next door.
And that was the issue I ran into the first few weeks of the semester. I usually got so annoyed (‘cause her moans would be waking me from my slumber) that I called the landlord on them or left rude post its on their door. I have talked to them about 4 times now in-person and even gotten their cell number because they were polite enough to let me give them warnings when they were bothersome. I wave when I see the 24-7 couple at school or when they are out for a night on the town and we happen to bump into each other. I think our relationship is much better - plus, they are also very, very quiet. Good job, monotone, chubby girl.
Well, that’s fine and dandy and all, but I have another problem.
(My problem might not really be a problem on the account that I have crazy mood swings and thoughts on my period and it’s that time of the month, but I’ll give myself benefit of the doubt.)
So what if my current issue is the sex sounds of my fellow cozy cove mate? Of course, I want my baby to be happy, but it’s kind of an awkward request to ask her to moan quieter in the apartment when we are home. Or to go have sex somewhere else. Due to us being homebodies during finals season and Mr. Biking Mike’s pit stop 24 hour 6 days a week at our home - we probably won’t ever be out of the house when they want to do the dirty. Did I mention he was here 6 days a week? Let me repeat that in case you didn’t get it the first time - 6 fucking days a week. Oh and to top things off, the bed squeaks across the floor. How is that for super, super irritating? But on the bright side, two more weeks until winter break and I will not have to hear either of them. Hopefully, it will not be an issue next semester..
I reckon it’s best that I move home next year and commuted. I am so bad at cooking and so OCD about cleanliness and respect, only my parents should have to deal with it. Honestly, I don’t think I’m cut out for this whole “living with your best friend” thing. You find out flaws and habits you didn’t see before and it personally disillusioned me from my rather high expectations of her; ultimately, she failed as the perfect woman I thought she was. She turned out to just be.. well, a girl. Just a girl. Maybe one that I probably should not have chosen to live with? (ah, that’s a little harsh)..that’s probably not true, I’m just disturbed as fuck right now though it should be a very natural thing for her to be in a physical relationship. I don’t know, am I crazy to be bothered enough by her neediness to want to live at home? Er well, I think at this point in my life, I just want to spend time with the family I never had and be pampered by the mother that wasn’t there.
Sorry Jay-mate, it’s not you, it’s me.
Or actually, maybe it is you.
And I’ve had another revelation - It’s fifty billion times more awkward when you personally know the people that you can hear having sex in your house.