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Finally finished the problem set!

…and it’s not even four in the morning yet. It’s getting there though. My buddy from energy class came over and we bonded and busted problems over Chinese dumplings (made by mommy & me) and kimchee fried rice. I don’t think I am an secretive gal, but for some reason it was just surprisingly easy to share my story tonight. It was a nice end to my somewhat-blah-kind of day. Art, work, class, ADPi orange chicken dinner and alcohol education meeting. I got to catch up with a lot of people today, it was good. 

I am really, really starting to appreciate and like the extra mattress we have in our living room at the cove - it’s just so, cozy. Being able to eat and study an a bed is extremely comfortable. Oddly enough, Cheska & me have also been very productive on the mattress (I think?). Outsidelands 2011 playlist was on repeat again when we were doing our problem set. I also ended up sending more emails to professors before bed and completed my FAFSA for next school year. Hopefully, this productivity thing becomes a good habit I can bring into the real world after graduation… And my brain just died, even though I started writing this post in hopes that I could delve into whatever strange things my mind thinks up at night.

Last thought: I believe I am the extreme epitome of extrovert and that probably steps on some people’s toes. Hrm.