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God, I miss my friends.

I really took my bunch of friends in high school for granted. College is a lot more on your own, solitary independence. I want my babies back! Not that I ever really hung out with my boy constantly at school, but in a way I like being free from constant boyfriend buddying. And my friends? That’s kind of something I don’t need to be free from.

More and more ex-independent people i know have become glued to their significant others, and sadly forget about their friends. You know there’s a problem when the only person you’ve hung out with for the past half year is your boyfriend. Or when your girlfriend is busy and you end up having nothing to do. It’s funny, because half the time you’re just having sex anyways, so it’s not like it’s vital time you need to spend…

Maybe I’m a hypocrite and I hang out with my own boyfriend too much. But then again, I don’t go to school with or near him. Other than the weekends where I don’t have tournaments, most of my time is school, work, frisbee.

I love my boyfriend. I think we have crazy fun all over the world.

But I love my friends and miss the hell out of them.

Here’s hello to you guys.