Happy twentieth anniversary.
I love this movie.
In general, I love all animated children movies. I try to be mature, but in the end, my babyish personality always seems to shine through. It’s pretty hard being an adult in my opinion and although I want to be seen as a college student, I think it’s okay to be a child sometimes. Although it does get me into fights constantly with my boyfriend.
We spent this anniversary on our own, but we figured some things out during our twenty- two apart.
The first month with him away was difficult and all my room mates around me were going on breaks with their own boyfriends. I had ordered a Love Language book a few weeks before since we were having so much relationship trouble and spent much of my time reading that. It pretty much advised that if I can get over the first few difficult days and live life without him - it was time for a break up. If I couldn’t for the entire week, we were meant to work on things out together.
So I asked him to go on a break. I asked for five days where we couldn’t talk to each other and he could call me after my planned nike women’s marathon that weekend. He didn’t want to do it and ended up sending me a sweet email saying why he didn’t want to not talk to me instead.
By the end of the day, I couldn’t stay away from talking to him. Maybe I can’t handle being lonely. Or maybe, it’s just love.
Happy anniversary.
(via fuckyeahabibabzzz)