Hey Soul Sister, I don’t want to miss a single thing you do, tonight.
I am really digging this mix-up that I found courtesy of Jason on google buzz. It makes me pretty happy to know that mainstream pop is not all terrible news. I’ve probably listened to this video about fifty times tonight and I still can’t believe how good Sam Tsui is. Especially with all the Glee and High School Musical hype, he will definitely rise to YouTube stardom, if he isn’t already there.
I have good news today.
Our financial aid packages finally came out for school, and I’m happy to say that I am practically paying nothing for school. The only good loan I took out probably adds up to less than community college for the entire academic year. Trust me, I was grinning from ear to ear when I checked my file at work. Paying for a university at a price of a junior college. That’s pretty financially lucky.
I guess I owe a little to the fact I got a grant specifically for science majors. Finally, a perk for suffering through difficult, painstaking classes. I honestly don’t think harder majors get enough credit. Sometimes I wish I could be good at humanities and be able to succeed in history classes or something - but I know it’s not something I want to do, I don’t even think it’s something I would ever like. It just sucks sometimes because even though these humanities people go to Berkeley, their courseload is nothing compared to the hard sciences, the engineering plans, and the business competition. I’m terrible at classes like that, but I’m kind of glad it’s not my forte. Humanities have it easier, but they don’t get the SMART grant (that’s literally what it’s called).
That’s been my only good news for a while, so I’m going to absorb it’s glory. With my plummeting GPA (thank god I am still above a 3.0), I can’t help but feel down hearing other people’s grades. Granted, most of them with better grades than mine don’t go to the same school. But I am ridiculously, obsessively competitive. Meaning I don’t even care if you’re in high school - I want to kick your ass in anything I am good at. Key word? Want. I really need to step it up in school and get the grades I know I can get. Hopefully, I can easily get the A in my intensive Japanese class. An A in a ten unit class should be enough to get me back in the game. I talk big, but again, I believe that actions speak louder than words and I want my report card to speak for my work ethic. I want my achievements to speak for my confidence. I know I can do anything if I try. I know I can be on top. And I will.
I don’t like bullshit like: “I am smart, I’m just lazy and don’t try.”
To me that translates to how much of a failure you are in not achieving or even attempting to push yourself to your fullest potential. I don’t know if you know this, but without strive and work ethic, you won’t survive in this modern, competitive world. That’s not to say I love this system, in fact, I kind of hate it. Yes, I am competitive and ambitious. Yes, I have all the tools I need for me to succeed. But I am a huge advocate of freedom and choice.
I once wanted to live the life of an artist.
Now it just has to be on hold until I make a difference in this world and prove my worth. I can still be an artist while saving the world. That’s how confident I am in my abilities. Something I lost this first year at college…With a break from school and studying, I’ve slowly begun to find myself again. I feel like I am getting back into my own skin, the me who loved to talk and be spontaneous. The cocky, ambitious, passionate me.
Cece, where have you been?