I don’t often post pictures I’ve taken.
I wonder why. It’s probably just ‘cause I’m lazy, because I don’t post my drawings or designs up either. All things I spend years saying I’ll get around to finishing and displaying them, but never do. Picking up a new hobby like photography isn’t going to make my to-do list any shorter. Sorry to facebook who has been waiting for my half year overdue pictures!
Actually, I’ve been accumulating them for a while. Them, as in pictures I actually find decent in my camera. I’m not a hipster (oh god no!) but I can see why the average trend-follower can pull up a few good shots after a thousand takes. I don’t think I am a good photographer, I don’t think I am a good artist. I do, however, believe I am an artist. I really should share with the world more often. My cousin’s boyfriend Kimhawk - I guess my photography mentor - told me its half picture taking, half editing nowadays to bring out the best picture you possibly could. He said, “if you take a picture, why not make it the best it can be?”.
But I never finish the many projects I start. I suppose that’s a bad habit of mine, beginning too many and not finishing enough. Editing every photo to a complete piece ends up being a lot of work. I tried to edit this one, but it just feels like the finishing touches never end. I am always going back to re-edit the colors of the pictures I should have already been done with. Perfectionism has major flaws, doesn’t it?
This post didn’t really have much of a point, I apologize for that. All I really said was I needed to finish my projects I started and I wait until I know it’s good to show it. On a tangent, I’m just collecting pictures so if I ever decide to make a portfolio, it’s going to be something I’m proud of.
I will post more in-depth thoughts when I feel like elaborating on some of the topics I’ve touched on. I do want to talk about hipsters though, but until tomorrow.
I just want to watch Dexter :)