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I want these cupcakes at my wedding.

Marriage has been on my mind a lot lately. Not to give anybody pressure to propose to me, but I really just like the idea of planning and organizing a whole extravagant, elegant wedding for a circle of my closest friends or even a huge, huge wedding for everyone I have ever known. Weddings get me so excited, I even start planning my proposal to the one since I never was very good at waiting and keeping surprises when I genuinely wanted something or someone. It makes me wonder what I would be getting married for though. I feel like sometimes it’s just a dream that I want for myself, with or without a groom and maybe that’s reflective of the type of person I am. 

Too many friends of mine are the boyfriend-type. They always have someone driving them around in their car, holding their hand, keeping their bed warm. I can understand the need for companionship as I often also get lonely in the late hours of the night, but having someone be everything and give everything to one person isn’t something I would jump into. My car is mine and especially as of late, I will drive it myself. 

In my personal finance class, I learn about the detriments of divorce and alimony, child support, and marriage taxes. I decided that even if I got married, I would want a separate bank account and possibly even contract for a prenuptial agreement. It’s not that I wouldn’t be completely in love with someone before marrying them, but independence is an important aspect to my life. While it took a few years for me to get here in the emotional aspect, I’ve found my balance in life and I like it where it is. So hitched or not, I want control of my life and my finances, my choices and my cupcakes.

Especially my cupcakes. 
