Today is kai’s birthday :)
Happy 17th birthday dear kai.
~may you be happy for this year~
love you.
more than you know.
I always worry,
I sometimes cry.
I don’t want to say sorry,
Don’t want to say goodbye.
Our memories, our tears
Our laughs and joy.
My sad and fun times,
With my favorite boy.
My best friend you’ll be,
For the rest of eternity.
It’s you and me,
There no doubt about that.
I’ll fight for you,
And I will fight nat.
And though we lie,
And make pretend.
I can honestly say…
That you are my friend.
As colleges start picking,
and time is finally ticking.
Our happy school days will come to a close,
As for the future? Nobody knows.
Who will stay? And who will go?
But I have faith, that our friendship will last.
Kai chan will never become part of my past.
You are just, and you are pure.
You are cute, and can endure.
You make me smile :)
You give me hope.
I can go the mile,
I can not mope.
Because you were there by my side,
I had nothing to fear, nothing to hide.
I love you a lot.
I’ll miss you so much.
In my heart is your spot,
so please keep in touch.
I’ll always be there,
For you and your fears.
I’ll always care,
So dry your wet tears.
And though I cry,
And maybe weep.
I won’t say goodbye.
Because you’ll be in my sleep.