I think the more you get to know people, the more irritatingly beautiful and surprisingly ugly they become. It’s one thing spending once a week or so with someone you seem to get along with - its a completely different scenario to see them 4-5 times a week or more.
I should be tired and sleepy right now but to be honest I’m awake and just a little annoyed. I was exhausted when the night began but as I got to eat more and learn more history about my friends I realized just how complex relationships really have to be. They honestly can’t be simple. There’s too much in the creation and development of a person to just label and group them as best friends and friends and whatnot. There’s just so much more. Which is why I don’t understand when people have 562927592764929174749 “best friends”. Not every two relationship is the same and shouldn’t be treated as such.
I was going to say the longer you get to know someone the more you learn about them and the relationship evolves with your understanding. But it’s not about time. It’s never been about time. I can honestly say some people I have met just these past few months are closer to me than people I’ve known since freshman year and even high school. It just goes to show how compatibility and the ways that dynamics are managed in relationships really dictate where it is going.
Although there are people I personally do not like off the bat and deem them not worth my time - I still believe, if ever slightly, that almost any two people can be friends if the bond was cherished in just the right way. Which brings me to the next thought: when the bond isn’t always strong and when relationships aren’t handled with care, there is bound to be conflict. Especially when you can no longer be ignorant of the complete being - evils, faults, and all. I’m not sure if we’re going in a wrong direction because of the increasing closeness we’ve shared, but my annoyance most of these days are because of someone who I felt was on the same wavelength as me. It seems as if we may have more differences than I had originally believed and maybe these nicks in our relationship are pushing me to see the ugliness.
I don’t appreciate dishonesty. And I hate backhanded and manipulative actions. Issues should always be resolved directly, I think that sneaking and beating around the bush are pathetic excuses to mold to society’s etiquette. Indirect implication without direct confrontation is just a coward’s ploy to get what he wants without seeming as if he’s doing anything wrong.
He’s a wolf in a sheep’s costume and I hate liars more than anything.