
I guess it has been a while since I last really wrote anything.

So as I am filling up my environmental journal for my Green Reading class, I guess I have time (not really) to make a short post with actual content. Pictures just look really nice in the layout for my tumblr - and they make me happy.

I have the most fun going through photographs of my antics from days, months, years past. What ridiculous hair I had at the time. Which boy I was infatuated with. Which boys were chasing me. What drama I had dealt with. And when I look back at pictures and fragments of memories, I really can’t help but giggle no matter how hard those times were. I truly believe that it is because there are always happy pictures no matter how sad the times were, there were always smiling faces somewhere.

You just had to find it.

Looking at those make me wonder what kind of things I am going through now and how happy I am today. I have grown distant from a couple people, found some new ones, and changed many relationships. Though school is very difficult at times, relationships immensely confusing, and money minimal I think I am happy. I know I am where I want to be, where I need to be. I know I am pushing toward my dreams and I am comforted by that fact. My happiness is content - it isn’t ecstasy - but too much of that was not always a good thing. I like my life right now and I have everything I need.

I am a little stressed.

I am a little tired.

I am also exactly where I want to be.