Money, makes the world go ‘round.
So my third post, I’m following my resolution - so far anyways. Good thing I made sure to make the resolution a little gray, not so binding and static. I can post anything and it only has to be every other day. So today, it is a link (you have to click on the title!) I’m starting to love this tumblr queue button, for the those days my brain decides to spill everything I’m feeling to make up for the days my walls refuse to come down to allow my fingers to type what I really want to say to the world.
People really need to read more, myself included. I wish I had the motivation to scroll through the New York Times app on my phone and read through it while sipping a caramel macchiato. Everyday, I would be reading at least a handful of newspaper articles and enlightening my sponge-like mind (which has been dried out by weed, alcohol, and mindless partying). On my free time during vacations, where I won’t be caring about the terrors of the world, I can calmly read books of enjoyment on my kindle or any other e-book reader that would be environmentally conscious to not waste paper.
That should have been a new years resolution, to read more often..But I know, day by day, with more and more things to do in our busy lives I will run out of time to read. Like the rest of America, I will slowly succumb to being ignorant to corrupted reality.
Like this one. Parents can now not only buy their kids to into high schools, colleges, high society, but internships and jobs as well.
Money. Money. Money.
Whatever happened to going through life on your own power?