my niks is back :) YAYY! I’m so excited~ I’m hoping we can go to applebee’s today. Cameron, Niks, Bryant, Josh, Adam, Colin, and dede (–“) My dad’s complany gave him two gift cards to Applbee’s so it’s like.. FREE :D~
Man. I’ve been stuck on listening to Coldplays’ new song, Viva La Vida. It’s a great song :)
"I used to rule the world…” Ahahaha I don’t know why, but I really like that line. So… I got a sdisgutsting haircut on Friday when I went with my mom to that Hollywood salon nearby. :/ SHE CUT OFF ALL MY BLOND PARTS! WHHHHHYYYY!!! I hafta do it again XP.
What would be a good bleach? I need someone to go with me.
Oh man, I hafta go do some things for college~