I guess it has been a really long time since I chronicled anything about my life. I find that a little sad, because even though my schedule is easy and I am constantly on the computer it took me a month to bring myself to jot memories about my new place in college(and I guess I’m doing this now because Mack reminded me to).
I really wanted to blog regularly, damn it.
A lot has stayed the same. A lot has changed. But one thing’s for sure, I like Berkeley. I didn’t at first and when I compare it with USC, it feels really shitty. I still like it, though. I mean, this is my new home and it’s a place where people compete and push for the top. I want to get there. The top.
I’ve always been pushed by passion and ambition. Motivation and dreams. Life and future. So I really cannot understand people that just waste away without those things. People tell me maturity and transition to adulthood is when they search for those things. I never though I was mature, but in this sense, I know where I am going with my life and how I plan to change the world.
Some people don’t think the same.
I don’t have much hope in humanity. I am a very optimistic person, but if I were faced with a tree’s life and a person’s life, I wouldn’t save the person. People disappoint like no other species. And their carbon footprints are ridiculous. It’s depressing knowing some people just waster their lives away. But it’s even sadder knowing that the majority of this “advanced” race work hard for their whole lives just to die without making a change in the world. Without ever proving that they existed. And it gets worse. There are people that are selfish enough that all they want to do is die. They contribute nothing to society and think only of themselves. In the end, they didn’t exist.
I know I think extreme, but those people are useless existences. They’re the kind of lives that should be sacrificed so that more purposeful ones can live. Ever think of the terminally ill child who wanted to become a vet? Or the soldiers in the army who could have been doctors? The teenagers in accidents that would have grown up to improve agriculture and the food issues of the world. The kid from a third-world country that would have become president.
It makes you question, what the hell are you doing with your life?
Is it worth it?
Even the best people I know, disappoint.
Maybe my standards are too high?
Maybe my requirements are too difficult?
Maybe I was born knowing what I wanted to do.