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she’s so cute, she deserved her own post.

I had my fourth photo shoot today. My model? Angela. She is my coworker at the financial aid office and is really one of the cutest girls I have met here. Not to mention, she is also very trendy - definitely a plus because her dress was definitely different.

What was awesome about my shoot? Well this adorable, cute girl came and asked me to let her be my model right when I was on the verge of tears looking for more diverse muses for my portfolio. She saw my portfolio of Brenna (thank you, brenna), and I got myself my filipino princess.

So here’s the problem: it was a little difficult shooting her. It wasn’t that she was un-photogenic or something. No, she was pretty. She was cute. She was just uptight, as strange as that sounds because she is really nothing like that. It took me twice as long on that shoot to get shots that I liked. It took me four times as many shots and ten times as many shoot sites. That shoot was also the first time I maxed out my SD card. After we took a dinner break to cheeseboard (which was ridiculously good) she loosened up a lot, and I got to know her. In the end, I got the shots I wanted. And I bonded with a coworker in the meantime.

That gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling.