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This is my birthstone.

Before I die, I’d like to own one of these. While it may not be as expensive as a diamond or as cool as a jade or a sapphire, I think that this stone in unique. It is opaque and changes colors in the light - it has a lot of different expressions. 

It’s eerie and strange, odd and rare.

Kind of what I aspire to be like. 


Lightning Ridge Black OpalTwin Galaxy Gem Stones

Aside from Grey and White, Black Opal is the most precious and is at least 50 times more rare than diamond, yet these beautiful gems are also much more fragile than diamond.

The brilliant colors within the gems are iridescent,  meaning that they will change color or flash as you rotate them. Deep down within the opal are silica spheres arranged in arrays and both the size and organized arrangement of the spheres will determine the color produced. The Twin Galaxy Stones will flash like lightning as you rotate them, hence the name Lightning Ridge in Australia.