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top 5 things to hate about a marathoner

I don’t even know what to say.

All you fat bitches out there who hate on running - try it sometime. I swear, you’ll be less angry. You’ll be so free of stress, you won’t even rant about girls who think they’re skinnier than you or the pretty girls you tell yourself are ugly. It’d cut out a lot of drama, I think, since you won’t be in such a terrible, fat mood all the time. Not anyone can do a marathon, not anyone can make working out a lifestyle. But everyone should and give respect to those that dedicate hours and hours to make sure the 30% of our country that isn’t overweight doesn’t fall any lower.

I’ve learned not to belittle people when I haven’t stepped in their shoes.

So you little fucker out there who thinks that runners are annoying for being proud of running TWENTY-SIX POINT TWO FUCKING MILES, shut your trap because they do deserve to be proud. They do deserve to prance around bragging about their accomplishment. Running IS a sport. Sitting on your ass blogging about things you hate, writing about things you would do, but haven’t done - that’s just pitiful living.

Every single person with the ability to step outside and enjoy the world’s beauties, should.

Because there are so many people that can’t - and would trade the rest of their lives to run just one more mile.