oh my gosh.
These past few days have been so crazy!
I wonder why it took me two months to finally start experiencing summer. And work. I seriously should have dropped my summer school classes to take on more Hollister hours, but I guess it’s alright. But shit, I have another astronomy midterm tomorrow. Fuck me! :(
Anyways, thursday was a mellow day of hanging out with Mack afterschool before his birthday came at midnight. We watched Beauty and the Beast, a korean comedy about a cute, blind girl who had an operation to get her eyesight back. Unfortunately, her boyfriend has been lying to her about his appearance…It was hilarious, for sure. WATCH IT!
Friday. July. 17th. happy birthday mack siu.
What’s there to say? I planned everythign and went surprisingly well. We had good luck all day and didn’t even really get lost. A shocker for us. We found parking across the street from every location, and traffic was minimal. Mack even got his $135.00 jacket for $30! How sweet is that?
Here’s the rundown: pier 39, union square, alfred’s steakhouse, twin peaks :)
Fun, right? Right.
Saturday! Great America with my buds. Definitely fun. And definitely something of summer I can remember. It’s been forever since I’ve had that much fun. And it’s been even longer since I hung out with everyone. Audrey, my riding buddy! Thanks for driving and letter me ghost ride B) Let’s do something else soon, guys.
Sunday. Well Garek was pretty late picking me up to go run, but I ended up going anyways. Kai didn’t want to go anymore, but I guess the run was okay. Garek’s friend, Carlos? HILARIOUS. This guy was great, so funny and we got along right off the bat. We just kept laughing at how Garek dated this ugly girl. AHAHAHAHA. He’s pretty crazy too. He got into UCLA and Berkeley after graduating Serra in 2006, and decided to go to his dream school, UCLA. However, after two years, he decided the better choice should have been Berkeley so he applied to transfer. He got into Cal and is waitlisted for Stanford. And get this. He ran Division I at UCLA and is going to continue that at CAL. You’d think it couldn’t get any better, but he’s also a mechanical engineering major. What the freak. It surprises me how amazing people can be. As well as how inadequate they can be also.
I’m getting off track. So McMullin probably just kept rambling again because he was still at the meeting place when we got there around eight forty-five. Another surprise? Dave and terra nova was there too, but it was only drew and some other kid. We did our six mile loop and then I headed to Monica’s. Pretty interesting. It was enriching for sure. I’m really really glad she got in touch with me though. I’ve always wanted her to open up to me. I hope we can stay in touch, that’d be great.
After that, I didn’t have work for my call in. So I got ready for vee why’s brithday party and wore my hot pink dress. Her party was hella sick. It was held in a bar and we all got free drinks and snacks. Chocolate fountain, photographer, cupcake gift boxes, dance floor, music for five hours. NICE. Happy Birthday, Vee Why. I’m going to miss you. You’re a nice friend. Greg better be nice to you!
Highlight of that night: I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT.
P.S. I think me and Katt are good and cool now. We danced together and she talked to me and I talked to her. It wasn’t shady or anything either. I guess it’s okay because cam has kei now, so even if katt did steal ronald. It’s cool. See? I’m mature now. Katt, I guess I like you then!
cam baby, can’t get enough of your lips like sugar ;)