09.07.2018 | From Me to Me
Dear Cece,
I’m super sleepy right now, but wanted to check in. I hope you’re taking care of yourself and I hope this path you’ve chosen is still right for you and solidified in your dreams and aspirations. I hope it feels right, as right as it did when you first walked onto Columbia’s campus earlier this year.
I know this work is difficult sometimes, that it’s emotionally draining, thankless, and financially difficult. But please also remember that it is impactful and life-changing in many ways. Social work is the profession of people and you at your core, your very core, believe and love people. Believe they can be anything. You touch them. Don’t lose that no matter how difficult it gets. Don’t lose that hope and light when things don’t seem to go as planned. As long as you follow your passion, only good things will come.
God knows you deserve it. You’ve come so far. You’ve learned so, so much and I’m so proud of you. There’s always more work to be done, but continue to celebrate your successes.
I hope you’ve learned and grown even more. Raised your EQ. Learned to manage people and organizations. Found more focus. Taken a dive with that mental health idea. I think it’s great - make taking care of yourself a priority and an accessible commodity.
I hope you’ve found and fallen in love again. I hope it’s healthy and everything you’ve dreamed. I hope your art is still pivotal in your life. That your family is closer. That you’ve continued to form and keep quality relationships. Financial independence.
And above all, love for yourself.
Love Always,
Got my letter to my future self back from my advisor today - making my own damn self cry.