12.05.2015 - Grids

A lot of grids in my life lately.

I’ve been using this app called grid diary to write down my affirmations, goals, what I’m grateful for, good things that happened, and what I did towards my goals. It’s pretty helpful in keeping me accountable, but I haven’t gotten back into habit of going to the gym so that’s going to be my first order of business today.

I really recommend it if you need a place to write things like that down after waking up to start your morning on a good note. It takes 21 days for habits to stick, so just stick out adding good things to your lifestyle and it’ll become routine, making you a happier, more successful person in general. I, like everyone else, just need a little bit of motivation every morning to make the day great. I hope I can keep these things up.

The second grid, I just saw on Facebook. It was one of those word grids and the first three words you saw would tell you what your 2016 was going to look like. I got love, experience, and humour. The fourth word I saw was success. So hopefully, next year can bring all those things! However, I do think it’s half my responsibility to make sure it happens by being open to possibilities. It’s up to me to accept opportunities that present themselves.

The same is true for everyone else! You need to be open-minded and accept the good things as they come. Shake off the bad and look for what could be a blessing in disguise. Be in a position to meet new people, try new things, and set yourself up for success and the opportunities will come.

T-minus 26 days until New Years. Let’s end this year with love and start the next with even more of it.