Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
Although I like Glee’s Blaine version better, either one will do on repeat for my long night of productivity.
It is a good addition to my recent study playlist of MGMT, Limousines, Black Keys, MUSE, Arcade Fire, A Rocket to the Moon, Arctic Monkeys, Script, and of course, the Shins. Hooray for alternative. I’d take it over dub-step any day (although I guess Limousines is electronic). But like my cozy covans have said, “Just forget the labels, you like what you like”. I’m assuming that only meant for music and not fashion!
It feels really, really good to get things done.
I suppose the reason why I obsess over large, high tables so much is because it is super conducive to productivity. It can not get any better than maximum efficiency. It makes sense that I’m interested in studying energy consumption and building sustainability for urban environments. I house sat with Jolie today since my parents ran off on a cruise to the Caribbean. It was a good thing though, since my house is free of distractions:
- I started the outline on my literature review for my thesis due Friday.
- Sent my emails to three potential mentors and professors for my senior research project.
- Emailed my boss and filled out time sheets for the rest of the year.
- Filled out most of my FAFSA application due Friday, March 2nd.
- Set up calculations for my ridiculous problem set due Thursday.
My eyes are getting sleepy though, so I guess after a little reading in bed I’ll turn in for the night. If you can believe it, my original nine hours a night of sleep dwindled down to five hours.. It explains me knocking out randomly at home and at the library for two hour naps at a time. Sigh, Cheska has yet another silly picture of me!
Another work day tomorrow, but I’m feeling good about it!
(Until my alarm goes off in the morning.)