day five. 2.0 hours, oil paint.
Yay, I’m done.
Hope mack appreciates it, he never speaks a word when I slave away to make things for him :( but whatever, I’m finished! I could always go back and keep detailing though.. But that’s what makes art annoying, you can always fix it, make it better. Writing is the same way. My friend is constantly editing and rewriting her works, updating her style all these years.. I’m really glad I decided to double and take art classes. It’s been a good release and a surprising experience. I never thought I could paint, I seriously figured I’d suck the first few weeks, but it wasn’t as hard as I made it out to be. I have come a long way since that ridiculously useless art class in high school. I could not for the life of me, paint a tree in acrylic during that wretched sophomore year and have stuck to graphite since. Until i took this class, anyways.
I have to say, I’m pretty proud of how much I’ve grown in the studio. No more of that animation/cartoon crap. I can do real, fine art and that’s cool. Of course, the imaginative and surreal follow suit. It’s easy to draw cartoons when you can do the actual rendering; not so easy the other way around though. I think I’ll spend these next breaks dedicated to art, reading, blogging, and taking pictures (though I do have to make sure my posts don’t get too long and boring to read).
I have a good feeling about December.