Definitely for the win.
They are so fucking cute. Yay, for hot couples! Anyways, here’s my blurb for the day. I am a little more insecure than I make myself out to be. I think I see myself cuter than I really am. That’s really a problem, isn’t it? I always thought I was okay not learning how to put make-up on or going to a formal dance with just eyeliner would make me beautiful. Wrong. Apparently, even with make-up I still have a ways to go before I could be pageant worthy or something.
I want to always be called cute. I want to always be called pretty. I want to always be beautiful. And not only when I’m trying, but all the time.
I feel like I fall so short to so many people because I’m not as physically attractive. Shit like that really blows my self-esteem to fucking bits. And I usually have a lot of self-esteem, for it to fall so low I really must not be as cute as I think I am. This retarded insecurity of mine is really starting to screw with my head, but then again it might be all the hormones I take.
I’ve become such a girl that I’m starting to annoy myself. I am not really insecure and I usually don’t give a shit about a lot of things. But things I bypassed before are starting to bother the fuck out of me. Ex-grilfriends. Pretty girls. Gamers. Nerds.
Geez, when did I start going through puberty?