Dogs are supposed to reflect on their owners, right?
I’ve heard it time and again, that dogs end up looking or acting like their owners. I’m not sure if this is true, because my dog definitely has a personality - and mind - of her own. I guess in some ways, we could be similar. We definitely both get jealous when we’re not given enough attention. We both are also easily excitable and like to play games or run around outside without “leashes”. Well, my little fluffy cotton ball is a sassy little lady. I’m pretty sure she’s smarter than I am - relative to her race anyways (I know some pretty dumb ass dogs). I remember my mom was walking her in a nearby field once when she lived in Seattle. Choo sped off to chase bunnies, only to disappear. My mother frantically called me while crying, telling me she had lost our baby. As I listened to the message, I could hear her huff and puff on her way home. Choo was waiting on the doorstep for her. Even today, all the way in Oakland, she’ll roam the neighborhood, do her business, and scratch the door until we let her back home. She’s just a genius sometimes, it amazes me. Like how she can tell which guests have the softest hearts and will feed her from the table or how if she jumps repeatedly on the side of the bed, someone will pick her up eventually. All these little traits make me wonder if having another dog will ever be the same as having my furry best friend. Will I ever have a dog this smart and sassy?
I am kind of dreading how fast the next decade will pass; I wish I could have eternity with you.