
Mack said I was an elitist.

He said I have a lot of the qualities needed for business. I’m not sure I like that… But as long as I don’t hurt other people for my benefit, the devil hasn’t gotten me yet.

I think I am better than everyone else and have very high standards. I have high expectations and am disappointed easily. Even the people I admire the most end up disappointing me, but I can forgive some failures. Like in business, pros must outweigh the cons. They must.

I am super competitive, but I don’t think I am better than everyone. I know amazing when I see it, and it just isn’t often. I do think I am better than some people. I do think I have the potential to be. I do think i can always do better. But I’m not enough of a bitch to flaunt my qualities or brag about my talents.

Actually, I’m more annoyed with those that do because they don’t understand how stupidly insecure they really are. They don’t understand just how weak and little they look. And it’s sad because a lot of them brag about their talents that are nothing compared to those really great.

I am more confident than I let on to be.

How ironic, I never thought I was the one to be secure. The one to be so sure of myself.

Survival of the fittest. I’m going to start a fucking business :)