
College applicationss are fustrating me. My parents are crazy and nagging me to hell, while the effing counselor we hired isn’t exactly doing anything either. I still haven’t turned in all my folders to the teachers, despite working on them for weeks now, and my shin is starting to bother me - which sucks because I have not really been injured and this would be the worst year for me to start getting injuries. I’m starting to get behind on homework, and people from clubs all want T-shirt designs. I have yet to finish the senior class and the key club shirt. EFFING AQUA/ALBINO APES.

At least I can look forward to my oh-so-happy-best-buddies, who by the way are probably too tired or too moody to smile these days. My new backpack, Gossip Girl, and Choo Choo are probably the onyl things keeping me from blowing up at my family (who kind of suck right now by the way).

OH EHM GEE. I want my boy back. :(