Just a simple day studying with Cheska and Lawrence, then my webcam date with Mack. Oh, and my incredibly awkward meeting with my mentor. On the bright side, I finished all my assignments due Friday and am working on the one due Thursday. Personal Finance midterm tomorrow afternoon, but because the information is relevant and interesting, I think I will be okay with studying. I have been really good about studying and doing things earlier lately, I really like that accomplished feeling. Nerd, right?
I haven’t written in a while, so I will reflect in these next 750 words. Apparently, if you push yourself to write 750 words a day, you improve your writing skills and reduce Alzheimer’s. Also, you learn more about yourself, a whole lot more.
I always assumed getting older meant bigger things and smaller problems. That high school drama would be left behind and everyone would get along. No more rumors, lies, and petty gossip. My friends and I would be dedicating all our time to working towards our dream careers and possibly even a marriage. (I would really, really love to get married young!) It’d be a gloriously happy road through my twenties with lots of bar stories and overseas adventures.
Obviously, I was naive and completely wrong. Because, well, the definition of human relationships is drama. But that doesn’t necessarily mean drama has to have a negative connotation.
The fact is, it’s not that drama was a high school thing - its a grown-up human thing. While some people are more prone to conflict than others, everybody has some story, some upsetting dramatic tale that makes them who they are. The reason why we have drama in the first place is because more and more things are happening in our lives and more and more people change as we get older. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be rainbows and daisies, but it doesn’t mean it has to be World War II every time somebody decides to make a statement and be honest about their feelings, even if it’s over something stupid like instagram or twitter or facebook. Getting angry over thoughts on social media websites – that idea in itself sounds ridiculous. Debates over controversial issues I can understand, but irrational ranting and bickering back and forth from the safety of the internet seems like an unneeded form of “drama”. It’s silly to fuel fire when you have better things to do and get on with your own life, your own relevant story – than to play in the hands of others.
Which makes it more difficult when I look back on younger years and carefree times. It seemed so easy in grade school when all we could really badmouth about were the teachers cheating during the kickball tournament cause Principal White was too tall. But we were also naïve, so I reckon there’s a correlation somewhere. Regardless, I miss elementary school as awkward as everyone was.
It’s strange.. When I started writing this morning, it was going to be a rant against drama itself. But as I was chatting with the maid of honor, I realized it was a totally normal, essential part of adulthood and didn’t have to be an immature fight. You can just walk away from silly things written online. Chances are they probably would have never been said in person. That’s the problem I guess. Having this whole social media boom is starting to cripple people in ways they probably don’t even realize. Why confront someone you disagree with, when you can write them a hypothetical letter online?
I like that you can share the world your creativity and your thoughts. Or even news and knowledge on issues around the world that deserve it (like KONY, look it up). I strongly believe that if you have something to say to somebody, you should say it to their faces and do it with honesty. But, I also understand having to vent and rant online because God knows I’ve done that also (screaming at my boyfriend’s stupid bitch fits for instance). Just know that there are repercussions to blasting someone online. Once you publish, they will read it, their friends will read it, your friends will read it. And then what? World Wide Web War I? In my opinion, it makes you look very childish and silly. There are things you can’t and shouldn’t say to people, but there are also things that you should. Rants are okay, internet fights are not.
Even blog posts. I have to censor or soften my remarks here and there so I don’t offend anyone as I am reflecting on my day/life/relationships. To get my point across, without starting some massive blog fight.
There are so many more things to ponder over, infinite amount of things to write about.
Why waste it on silly things?