Premenstrual Syndrome. 

It’s difficult to empathize when you don’t have this phenomenon, but men really should pay more attention to just how much a girl’s period can really make her crazy during those vital few days at the end of the month. To be clear, I am absolutely not advocating for women to do whatever the fuck they want when they’re bleeding - just for men to understand a little more sensitively. Like with anything, you need to try and understand their circumstances in order to care for each other a little better. On the other side, you can’t be unreasonable and insane just because you’re going through a hard time - it does not give you a right to treat the rest of the world like shit.  

For some strange reason, this month’s period is making my emotions go off in tangents. Generally, I’m a pretty level headed person even when hell week rolls around. I was never that crazy, bipolar bitch who blamed her problems on mother nature (god bless her, mother nature). But, this week, randomly, I am infuriated and irritated with everything. It’s as if everyone in the world got twenty times uglier and a hundred times more fake. A thousand times more retarded. And making a hundred, thousand more stupid decisions. It’s taking me everything to just keep my insulting opinions to myself. It’s taking me even more to keep myself from punching people in the face who say god awfully dumb things. 

I mean, I even made a hit list..

  • Blonde girl who looks like a bison, but has great hair - stop being a slut, it’s embarrassing.
  • Stupid friend whom I always pay for, you literally owe me…$5000 that you will never pay because you are a douchebag
  • Cupcake, remember your friends & grow some balls while you’re looking for us, we went on with life without your immature ass.
  • HEY LADY, I do not like sharing. Period. 
  • School, why is everything due this week? WHY, WHY, WHY?
  • Mommy, it’s your fault I’m a hater. You made me this way! Some people should not have been parents.
  • Stupid girl who rammed into me because she was too busy plugged into her phone.
  • Stupid sun for not giving me enough hours in a day to finish my assignments.

I got irritated with remembering the rest of it. But I recognize that I am really just hating everything. And I recognize that I cannot actually hurt any of these people/entities just because I’m on my period. I still have to pull my shit together and try to understand how other people will feel if I said whatever the fuck I wanted while high on hormones. 

That’s the same with life though. Empathy, unfortunately, is something I struggle with. I can say this because I am taking developmental psychology and studies have proven this: In the social aspect, I was not raised properly and as a result, I have trouble understanding how other people feel about their problems. I also have extreme difficulty putting myself in other people’s shoes. I do respect that people come from many backgrounds and handled their situations differently, consequently becoming the culmination of their stories today. I get that their path was different, so they turned out different. I wouldn’t want someone telling me they think they’re life was easier than mine, so I wouldn’t say that to someone else. Although, I plead guilty because I do think so sometimes with certain people even though I know I should not. Working on it..

So what I’m saying is, men should try to sympathize a little more with emotional friends, girlfriends, sisters, and mothers. Be a little nicer, but do not let us be insane and unreasonable. Don’t stand for that, but understand. 

I’m going to go watch King Kong and cry now. Or just cry randomly because I don’t have any more thin mints. The most ironic thing is, I freaking started off the week super pepped up about the weather and promising myself I would try to stop complaining and foster positive vibes.

Damn you, hormones. You win this time.