tumblr necessity.

I can see the need for tumblr when your head is about to explode with emotions.

But, I feel like those massive re-bloggers can hold off a bit before they search for hilarious images to re post. Don’t be offended though. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy those stupid gifs, the funny faces, the cute places to take pictures at. I’m just saying, I wish I had a little more content to read. I blog because I have feelings. I have memories. I have thoughts. I blog because I want to prove that at some point in this continuum of time, I was alive.

I blog because I live.

So it’s not like you have to stop reblogging posts or posting multitudes of other people’s pictures. I just want you to think: how do I want to be remembered? how do I want to make my stake on this planet? The internet is forever. I want to read your thoughts. I want to smile at your happy memories. Cry with you during your hard times. Sympathize and empathize when I understand what you’re going through.

So show me who you really are, you re-blogger you.